E-Mailer II v1.3.1

** Updated April 4, 2008

Download your copy of Karen's Emailer II

Instantly notify a co-worker, friend, or others of an important meeting or event. Even send reminders to yourself. This program allows you to define several "canned" e-mail messages. Later, you can send any of those messages by just double-clicking a shortcut icon, or entering a simple command at the DOS command line. This Power Tool also allows you to add e-mail notification to any script or macro you've written.

Note: Karen's Mailer II adds e-mail notification features to two other Power Tools: Karen's Countdown Timer II and Karen's 'Net Monitor.

For more information, read these back issues of Karen's Power Tools newsletter:


Download Karen's E-Mailer IISHA-1
Download and run to install E-Mailer II 904,048 bytes
Download VB6 Source CodeSHA-1
Programmers only 168,440 bytes
Download Visual Basic Runtime v6.0SHA-1
Note: Karen's E-Mailer II's installer will automatically download and run the Visual Basic Runtime installer, if necessary. 1 MB

Enhancements/Bugs Fixed

  • Version 1.3.1: Made cosmetic changes to improve formatting of text when using larger fonts.
  • Version 1.3: Made several changes to make program work better with Windows Vista. These include changes to the location where settings and log are stored.
  • Version 1.2: Changed "Date:" header in SMTP messages to conform to RFC822 (which requires English-language abbreviations for months, not local language or calendar names). Also added more information to main window's display of currently defined messages.
  • Version 1.1: Added support for alternate/limited MAPI support found in Eudora and some other e-mail clients. Also fixed BCC bug when sending via SMTP.
  • Version 1.0.4: This is the first release.
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