Show Stopper v2.1.3

** Updated August 16, 2007

Download your copy of Karen's Show Stopper

Shutdown, Power Off, Reboot, Log Off, Suspend or Hibernate -- all from a desktop shortcut or command line!

Karen's Show Stopper allows you to create shortcut icons that quickly Shutdown, Power Off, Reboot, Log Off, Suspend or Hibernate your computer. You can also run the program as a small icon in Windows System Tray, and shutdown Windows by right-clicking on this icon.

Another option allows you to shutdown Windows from the Show Stopper's main window. You can even run the Show Stopper from a command line, and specify your type of shutdown via command-line parameters!

And now, you can specify one or more tasks (programs) to be run automatically just before your computer is shutdown, powered off, logged off, etc.!

For more information, read these back issues of Karen's Power Tools newsletter:


Download Karen's Show StopperSHA-1
Download and run to install the Show Stopper 784,544 bytes
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Programmers only 159,920 bytes
Download Visual Basic Runtime v6.0SHA-1
Note: Karen's Show Stopper's installer will automatically download and run the Visual Basic Runtime installer, if necessary. 1 MB

Enhancements/Bugs Fixed

  • Version 2.1.3: Changed location of settings files to better accomodate Windows Vista's security features. Also updated installer, made some cosmetic changes to user interface.
  • Version 2.0.3: Inadvertently fixed a bug that sometimes prevented the program from initiating a hibernation.
  • Version 2.0: Can automatically run groups of tasks (programs), immediately before a shutdown, power off, logoff, etc.
  • Version 1.1: Disables options not available, when run on older versions of Windows. Also corrects problem that prevented forced logoffs when running Windows 95.
  • Version 1.0.2: This is the first release.
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