Once-A-Day II v1.2

** Updated November 16, 2009

Download your copy of Karen's Once-A-Day II

Have a job that should be run exactly once each day? Karen's Once-A-Day II is just what you need! The program lets you specify progams, web pages and files. Each will be run or opened automatically, the first time Windows starts each day, or the first time a particular user logs on each day. Start Windows, or log on, more than once in any given day and the programs, pages, and files will not be re-opened!

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Download Karen's Once-A-Day IISHA-1
Download and run to install Once-A-Day II 993,968 bytes
Download VB6 Source CodeSHA-1
Programmers only 206,712 bytes
Download Visual Basic Runtime v6.0SHA-1
Note: Karen's Once-A-Day II's installer will automatically download and run the Visual Basic Runtime installer, if necessary. 1 MB

Enhancements/Bugs Fixed

  • Version 1.2: When started automatically, the program still asks if you want to add a command, if none have been entered. But now there's a checkbox that, if checked, prevents this reminder in the future.
  • Version 1.1: Made several changes to allow program to work better with Windows Vista. These include an HTML-format help file, new locations for program's settings, and a new way to launch program automatically when Windows starts.
  • Version 1.0.3: Fixed bug that sometimes caused program to discard commands that displayed web pages.
  • Version 1.0.1: Uploaded new installer, that omits file MSVCRT.DLL that has caused problems on some systems. Note: The program's version number was not changed, since the program itself was not changed.
  • Version 1.0.1: Fixed bug that prevented window that's displayed, when you browse for a file or folder, from displaying any information. <blush>
  • Version 1.0: None (this is the first release).
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