Version Browser v4.0.5

** Updated October 15, 2008

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Identify those mystery files on your hard disk. Find out who created them, why, and when. File information can be displayed on-screen, printed, or saved to disk. A disk file of information can then be imported into your favorite spreadsheet or word processor!

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Enhancements/Bugs Fixed

  • Version 4.0.5: The program now displays the date and time a file was digitally signed. It also does a better job of validating existing digital signatures.
  • Version 4.0.4: Fixed bug that caused export of file information to fail to report most values correctly (wrong file path was being passed to the routine that exported each file's info).
  • Version 4.0.3: Fixed bug that caused program to crash if it was asked to examine a file whose name contained no extension. Thanks to Bob Loescher, who reported this bug and suggested a fix.
  • Version 4.0.2: Improved handling of "remembered" UNC-style file names.
  • Version 4.0.1: Major new release. The program now displays several new bits of file information, including digital signatures and file attributes. You can now export and print from the View window. When printing, you can now select the printer, font typeface, size and color, number of copies, margins, and more.
  • Version 3.1: Expands associated program's command line, substituting actual values for placeholders such as %SystemRoot%
  • Version 3.0: Displays program associated with each file.
  • Version 2.9: Understands larger file sizes. Its version information display screen has also been changed to accomodate longer comment, copyright and trademark strings. The information displayed can now be copied to the clipboard.
  • Version 2.8: No longer saves its screen location if miminized.
  • Version 2.7: Fixes a bug that sometimes caused the version information window to be placed off-screen where it could not be seen. Thanks to reader George Gropper for help in locating and fixing this bug.
  • Version 2.6: Includes code that forces the restoration of the data display window when a file is selected (To fix intermittent problem reported by some readers).
  • Version 2.5: Saves printer font selection, and restore those printer font setting the next time the program is run.
  • Version 2.4: Now sees hidden and system files. Thanks to reader Hellmut Golde for this report!
  • Version 2.3: Now displays information about all files in a drive's root directory. Thanks to reader Kenneth Nelson for this report, and the code to fix it!
  • Version 2.2: Previous versions complained if it ran on a computer with no printer driver installed. One work-around for this is to install the "Text/Generic" printer driver. The driver needn't be used to print. Just having it installed will statisfy the Version Browser. A better fix has been implemented in version 2.2, which doesn't require a printer driver to be installed. Thanks to reader Larry Buege for this report.
  • Version 2.1: Fixes bug that cause program to become confused if default directory is removed between one execution of the Version Browser and another.Thanks to reader Jon Finch for this report.
  • Version 2.0: Can export a directory's version information to a disk file for later analysis.
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