
Karen's Power Tools are compatible with virtually all versions of Windows released since Windows 95.

Here are the details:

This Power Tool:   Runs on this Version of Windows
951 98 98 SE NT2 Me 20003 XP4 20035 Vista6 20087 78 89 1010
LAN Monitor No - requires network features not available in Windows 95 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes
All others Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? Yes

Notes: 1Windows 95 original and OSR2
2NT v4.0 and later
3All editions of Windows 2000 (Professional and Server)
4All editions of Windows XP (Home and Professional)
5All editions of Windows 2003 Server
6All editions of Windows Vista
7All editions of Windows Server 2008
8All editions of Windows 7
9Windows 8 not tested (although should with 2018 updates)
10Windows 10 version 1709 (Fall Creators Update, Nov 2017) or later

How to determine your Windows version.

Reported as working with 2018 updates for Windows Server 2016.
Not personally tested by
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